EXHIBITION Profession and Passion

5 - 27 November 2021 - Flensburg Library

You are hereby invited to the opening of the exhibition

Thursday d. 4 November 2021 at 19.30

Flensburg Library, Norderstr. 59, Flensburg

"Good crafts can create a mood, emphasize a feeling or stimulate our senses. Crafts can embrace, re-think or materialize an idea that is interpreted and executed in a new way. Handicraft is precisely art and craft. An artistic expression conceived through a layer of hands and experience – paired with countless hours in the workshop.” 

(quote from editor-in-chief Charlotte Jul)

Art historian Grethe Bay introduces the exhibition.

Music: duo STRINGENDO plays - Armin Kauth – guitar 

and Frowin Dittloff - violin

Artists will be present at the opening.

After the opening, the exhibition can be viewed from

5 to 27 November 2021 inclusive 

Monday-Friday 11:00 - 17:00, Saturday 11:00 - 14:00


Nine professional craftspeople who are members of Danske Kunsthåndværkere & Designere and Sydgruppen exhibit glass, ceramics, textiles and jewellery.

ATTENTION! Please note that the opening will be carried out in accordance with the current COVID-19 regulations in Schleswig-Holstein at the time and that registration is required at sdk_flens@sdkflens.org

South Schleswig's Danish Art Association

www.sdkflens.org · sdk_flens@sdkflens.org

Layout and printing: Sydslesvigsk Forening eV, Flensburg · www.syfo.de