Art - Cake - Crafts on a Good Friday

SKU: 9 3 24

180 kr

29 March 2024 at 14-16

DKK 180 per person

A guided tour through our workshop and home, where you can experience the unique works of Lene Frantzen and Arthur Tudsborg.

We invite you into our world of crafts and art - a world full of history and passion. You hear about Lene's work with wool and felt, about the long process of creating works of wool, right from the sheep to the finished works - It's pure magic.

And the colors are not spared - the entire palette is in use.

Arthur's paintings are like stepping into another world - a world full of history, fantasy and dreams.

We welcome you to experience the unique atmosphere of our home, where art and craftsmanship meet in harmony. There is plenty of room to dream here - both for us and you. Enjoy the cake and coffee - Enjoy the works - Enjoy the view over Skamlingsbanken.


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