Raw felt 100 x 65 cm. #3
SKU: V12
Early summer; when the sheep are sheared, the woollen fleece is cut off - in ONE piece. The wool is cleaned of hay and dirt.
I felt the raw wool directly as it is, but only on the inside, and make sure that the wool on the outside is not felted. Sometimes I put wool from different sheep together and other times I felt the whole fleece in one big piece. The result is reminiscent of ordinary lambskin, but I call it "vegetarian skin" or "Raw felt" because the sheep do not have to offer their lifes - My sheep are still alive and grassing the hills - and next year they will be sheared again.
Felted wool can be washed on the wool program in the washing machine, or soaked in a tub of hand-warm water, with shampoo, rinsed and centrifuged in the washing machine.
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